Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Snow Angels

Tumbling trough the snow
Is it the cold biting my chin or you?
I love laying in the snow looking at the stars
Jäger got me feeling all warm inside
A quick kiss and then a handfull of snow in my face
We play like the children we love to pretend we are
Once lovers, then haters
Now we are growing on eachother once again, but in a new way.
You were my first, tonight you are my second
Kiss me again just so I can feel the rush
Tomorrow we’ll pretend this never happened
It will just be an indentation of two snow angels
See you next winter

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Snow Diamonds

Soundtrack: BigBang - Welcome to the Mountains (Radio Radio TV Sleep)

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas at Ørfiske

For more photos, Check out my Phiary

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


So I wanted to post something that sums up ’08 – It’s been one of the most crazy years of my life. It does in no way beat ’07, when I went on the ship, but have surpassed it by miles and miles when it comes to drama, passion, missing friends – and loving them so much that you just have to go see them even though they are 2000 miles away. I wasn't sure if I should make a “lessons learned” thing, or just a list of happenings… But I guess the lessons learned list would become quite short, limited to “Do not mess with crazy Ex’es, mafia, and your friends new hair cut.”
Also, “never trust anybody” could be added as an unofficial item. My mother would kill me if she knew I wrote that one down. She is still trying to convince me that we live under rainbows and sparkling stars, and there is nothing in the world that is worth worrying about. She’s in DENIAL. Worrying is my hobby. It’s just straight out mean to take that away from a girl.

Well, here goes – The Annual Summary of the life of V - anno 2008:

K & V + Vegas/LA = Raging madness:

Jack n’ coke, back seat, Money, drinks, gambling, OD’ing on redbull, talking, bathroom sex, Angels and Airwaves. Who the fuck is Timothy Brown, and why is he in our room? freaking out in dodgy diner. Bob with the brown Fedora. Doing 200 km/h on the freeway singing "Let it be". Carrol ave, Diagnose: Agnestic Anxiety, rain, Pink’s, take-away, Emerson TV, The Shys, Sunset, FIRST visit to Wallgreens. Two girls in a Volvo, Rowley, Ralphgang,Otis,crosseyed madness. Baaaaaaby....Pacific palisades, San Clemente, never getting lost. Leaving before things even begun. LOVE?

Rum n’ coke, coke, hotel rooms, finding my new life – Wayne and Huss. A New Barcelona, parties, contemporary dance performances, painting, raving, hookah nights, late nights and early morning s on the beach, gays, bis, straights, growing flowers and weed ? Muslims, Catholics, Turks, Scandinavians and Spaniards. The whole world in our living room. AIR.

Back to the (mental) State of Raging Madness:

Landing in Hell, NJ, K & Panda to the rescue. Loving PA, reunited & in need of venting. New Hope vintage shopping, random adventures in Philly, Trocadero, drunken train rides, Philly Cheese steak. Kitchen floor conversations trying to figure things out – or at least just sharing tons of frustration. My American mom. RELIEF.

Wing Fling:
NC, 4 flights down, 3 to go. Beach house, Willmington, Ashley & David 4 ever. Immense amounts of beer. The concept of breakfeast beers, Rvca, Rockstars, and good people. They DO exist! Chicken wings, BBQ’s, Chug!!! FUN.

Dad’s ex girlfriends husbands flat. Upper East side, Park & 94th. ALL to ourself. St patricks day,green beer, firefighters, afterparty in Brooklyn? Walking walking walking, 3hr bus ride, just taking it in. Sleeping in and Looooong breakfasts . getting ready for the real life again. UNCERTAINTY.


C off to Afganistan on my B-day. Scared. Hopefully not Scarred. Moving to the summer house, sailing, boating, meeting up with childhood friends. Bonfires, rosè wine at 2 pm-6am. Loooong dinners, huge table, BBQ. Festivals, rain, live music, filling my heart. JOY.

Best friends ever, like we never separated. Cadogan square, Lynds, Lunch at Harrods. Shopping, porn stars, Roof Gardens. Champagne brunch in Hyde park – great nights of clubbing, Higlight: just chilling and catching up on everyones lives. Reading – My Indian family. Realizing I’m a white girl? Reggae nights, puff-puff and Ali G. FAMILY.

Oktoberfest in Munich

Beer. BEER. BEER!!! Wearing my dirndl, hating on the giant pretzels for filling up where there was supposed to be beer. Singing, screaming, riding rollercoasters drunk. Reuniting with the TSS family, drinking more beer. Beer. And Beer. ALL SMILES.


Back to the cradle, girls night out, pre-parties, after parties, parties. Not seeing my flat from Thursday to Sunday every weekend. Trying to do some major self-help – 3 weeks without alcohol. Boring. Working 9-5, needmoney MONEY money to head out again. Hanging out with Granpa – trying to fix broken family. Dating again? Yes, no, hmmm… I’m still messed up. FIX ME.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Monday, December 15, 2008

Just another weekend in the life of V.

Michael Jackson was streaming out of the speakers. The golddiggers were standing in the stairs with begging expressions on their faces, drooling after the champagne. Papparazzis where thrown out the side door, along with every guy who looked at us the wrong way. Hollywood was in town - for one night only, and were definitely making the most of it.

Got a call last week from my favorite cousin informing me that our old childhood friends, Evan & Ross were heading out of LA - Destination: Oslo! Evan was to take some time off his busy shooting-schedule ( I think he’s in nine movies coming out in 2009 – CRAZY.) to see his mother, Diana, perform at the Nobel Peace Prize concert. Her performance was magnificent, she really is SUPREME!! I almost shed a tear when she sang "Ain't no mountain high enough". Soppy me. ANYWAYS, Evan & Ross decided to throw a party while in town – I’m not going to get into details, but 4 very drunk Norwegian girls were seen laughing ,rolling & falling out of Mehcad Brooks suite around 5 am. And they were the first to leave the afterparty. I’ve never EVER been so hung over at work before… And I promised myself that I would take it easy the rest of the weekend. No more alcohol. Nonono.
Broke my promise after about an hour, when MT called me and told me that two guys at her work were making us dinner, and it was expected that I would be over at her house by 6pm with a bottle to have a glass before the mysterious dinner date. Dinner was good, but the wine was better , so we ditched the guys (they were too nice . always an issue) and headed out to Frokostkjellern, the local law-school hangout. The boys there were gentlemen enough to buy us drinks, but showed genuine passion to argue for arguments sake. We loved it – But not so much that we brought them home. Woke up with MT snooooring/purring like a cat in my ear.

Next Morning we had high-tea with the girls at Bristol, I love the hotel, especially the little old man playing soft piano classics in the background. Kind of ackward though be back at the hotel we stumbled out of an early morning less than 48 h ago. Well, after we catched up on everything going on in our lives, ( and updated all our blacklists) we decided that since we were on a roll, we had no choice but to buy some wine, and go back to MT place to gear up for another night on the town. And I just got home. Its now 11:30 pm, Sunday night. Hah. We really need to end this culture of after partying to the hotels open, so we can go get breakfeast the Grand Hotel.

WE are sloppy messes. But we have way too much fun to care.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

All I want for Christmas II

My dear ol' Bestefar (Granpa,who is now 97) and I had a discussion last week about music. He told me that the only "hipster" music he liked was Otis Redding. (Hipster must has a whole other meaning in ol'peeps slang) I guess our taste in music isn't so different after all. Last time we had a conversation over the topic, and I played him some Wolfmother, he was utterly shocked and disgruntled. "hooooorrrible, what noise!" he moaned, trying desperatly to turn his hearing-aids off. Now, on the other hand, we could agree that Otis, and NOT James Brown was the King of Soul. So, from this comes a addition to my chirstmas wish list: Original Otis Redding LP's.

Found this on ebay
Jimi Hendix/Otis Redding at Monterrey. Not mint condition though...

This is a must-have aswell....

...and THIS!!!

Acctually, my father might have some of these in his collection. I might just raid it, before I go buy new old stuff. Recycling Works!! (and I won't get paid until the 12th - so no Christmas shopping until then)

Friday, December 5, 2008

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Oh, yeah... I went to catch a movie last night with my brother - Acctually quite a spectacular event for me, since I hate sitting still for so long, I have self-diagnosed movie ADD - ANYWAYS, we saw W, the movie about Bush. I am now totally creeped out and so EXTREMLY happy Obama was voted for President.

God bless America!!!

Q: What does a fried egg, a hippie and a flasher have in common?

A: An unhealthy fetish for playing dress-up in photo booths.